2023 was a fantastic year for Alleviate and we would like to thank everyone who helped make it so successful. Building on that success, we have many exciting things planned in 2024 that we look forward to sharing with you in the coming weeks and months.

Looking Ahead
In the early part of 2024, we will be analysing the data collected from our UK National Pain Survey, in collaboration with Chronic Pain Australia and Pain UK, and will share the results though a public seminar and report published to our website. More details on this, and future Alleviate activities will follow shortly, so please keep an eye on our news blog and X for further information.

2023 Highlights
• Patient and Public Involvement & Engagement (PPIE) poster win at Advanced Pain Discovery Platform (APDP) Conference
• Nominated for HDR UK PPIE Award
• Ran multiple successful campaigns raising awareness of the impact of Chronic Pain including our Pain Awareness Month campaign
• Launched first UK National Pain Survey in collaboration with Pain UK and Chronic Pain Australia
• Our OMOP Data Service was launched to advise on how to map data effectively to the OMOP CDM Standard or to map data on behalf of third parties
• Attended various conferences including EFIC, NeuPSig, SHRIC, SPaRC and HDR UK Tech
• 5 Posters presented, including; ‘Alleviate Advanced Pain Discovery Platform: A national resource for accessing and sharing pain data’ at EFIC and ePoster ‘Immersing Patient and Public Involvement in Alleviate’ at SHRIC
• A number of the Alleviate team delivered many different presentations over the course of the year
• Subscribers to our community has almost tripled in the past 12 months and we now have 310
• Increased engagement on social media channels, widening our reach and impact

Data Sets update
Alleviate currently has the following data sets standardised to the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (CDM) standard Data Standardization – OHDSI and available on the HDR UK Cohort Discovery Tool for use by researchers to run discovery queries to find existing data that may fit their use case:
• Omega-3 is a nutritional interventional study of middle-aged and elderly women that looked at how omega-3 fatty acids improved the diversity of the gut microbiome. The dataset also includes information on body pain, anxiety, depression, and fatigue
• GOAL (Genetics of Osteoarthritis and Lifestyle) is a historical secondary-care cohort of people living with osteoarthritis (OA)
• Webex cohort is a randomized controlled trial of exercise vs standard care in patients with radiographic and clinical knee OA
Further to this we have many other data sets that are currently being standardised.
Finally, on the HDR UK Metadata Catalogue, we have a collection of 20 different data sets registered within the Alleviate collection. From a researcher perspective, the catalogue is used for finding and requesting access to datasets and other useful resources for your research such as projects, courses, tools and publications.
The Alleviate Pain Data Hub is a £2M collaborative project funded by a consortium of funders including Versus Arthritis and the UK Medical Research Council. The project is led by the University of Dundee and involves partners from across the UK. Alleviate is one of nine HDR UK Health Data Research Hubs.
More information is available on the Alleviate Pain Data Hub website, and twitter, or subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates or join our community.