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June conferences round-up

Alleviate Deputy Director Gordon Milligan attended OHDSI Europe Symposium in Rotterdam. This conference was titled “Scaling up reliable evidence across Europe” and took place in the rather unique setting of …

Alleviate attend Dundee PPIE event

NHS Research Scotland and the Chief Scientist Office held a Patient and Public Involvement Event at the V&A Museum in Dundee last week, featuring a number of talks and workshops …

Pain Awareness Month – a thank you

Our Pain Awareness Month campaign has concluded. The Alleviate team would like to say a huge thank you to our Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) members Irene, Kathy, …

Pain Awareness Month – September 2023

Alleviate Pain Data Hub’s Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) members will be sharing their stories during Pain Awareness Month in September. Irene, Kathy, Claire and Kausar will each …