Alleviate mapping services - OMOP Common Data Model
The Alleviate Pain Data Hub, which is hosted within HIC, University of Dundee, aims to make pain datasets Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). We are achieving this by curating UK chronic pain data, creating a central resource for pain researchers to discover and query datasets in a secure, federated manner. Where appropriate and with governance approvals the data can be enriched via linkage to electronic healthcare records. The Alleviate federation model needs the data standardised to the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (CDM) which is a global standard for healthcare data.
We are building on the advances made during the CO-CONNECT project where we developed open-source tools and expertise to streamline conversion of data to OMOP. The ongoing success of Alleviate Pain Data Hub with our team of academics and data engineers continues this work of standardising data for the benefit of research from cohorts to population scale data.
We have worked with many data partners to map their data to OMOP and make it available through the Cohort Discovery Tool: >5 million records are currently queryable by approved researchers in near real-time. Alleviate is continuing to add and improve the visibility of pain datasets.
Get in touch today using our Contact Form to discuss how we can support your OMOP Data Mapping needs for research collaborations or as a service.
- Mapping health data to the OMOP CDM
- Mapping complexities of pain
- Review existing OMOP mapping to provide constructive advice
- Provide guidance on starting or improving your OMOP health data journey
- Review existing plans for implementing OMOP and providing feedback on improvements
- Including OMOP as part of a research collaboration