September is Pain Awareness Month

Banner with a body representing pain and the text "National Pain Awareness Month - September"

Join the Alleviate Pain Data Hub to celebrate and promote Pain Awareness Month. This is a time to spread awareness about pain; it may be a little word, but it can have a huge impact on people’s lives.

Throughout September, we encourage you to participate in the following activities to support further understanding of the lived experience when dealing with pain.

My 3 Words

We will be sharing videos from a mixture of the general public, and also from Alleviate’s patient and public members where they share the 3 words that best describe their pain. These impactful videos highlight just how personal and varied each person’s experience of living with pain is and will be available on YouTube.

Thumbnail from My 3 Words youtube video

Word cloud

Tell us the 3 words that best describe your pain today! These can be in any language. Then watch our word cloud grow throughout September as we continue to add your words to help reflect the diversity of people’s experience of living with pain. Full details on how to participate in this during September can be found here: Pain Awareness Month: My 3 Words – Alleviate Pain Data Hub

Initial word cloud image

Keep an eye on our website and X account for further details. Remember that you can subscribe to our newsletter to join our community and keep up to date with all of our latest news and events.  

The Alleviate Pain Data Hub is a £2M collaborative project funded by a consortium of funders including Versus Arthritis and the UK Medical Research Council. The project is led by the University of Dundee and involves partners from across the UK. Alleviate is one of nine HDR UK Health Data Research Hubs.

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